INITIAL BUBBLES The only information I had about the Lord of Misrule Bath Bomb, this seemingly plain green bath bomb, was that there was a surprise on the inside. I was less than impressed with the plain exterior, a simple…
Intergalactic Bath Bomb by Lush
INITIAL BUBBLES This Intergalactic Bath Bomb is a classic, how could I not try it? My partner picked it up for me at the store, as a surprise (my second lush bath bomb!). I saw the colours and instantly knew…
Love Potion Bubble Bath Bar by Lush
INITIAL BUBBLES When I first started my bath bomb series, I did not intend on getting into bubble baths. I viewed them as a thing from childhood, like rubber duckies. I now know that I was wrong on both fronts….
Hershey’s Smores Bath Bomb
INITIAL BUBBLES I was strolling down by the Niagara Falls in Canada in the evening, enjoying the cold air when I decided to visit the Hershey’s store. Remembering their delicious chocolate treats, I decided to give the shop a tour…
Mermaid Bath Bomb by Me!Bath
INITIAL BUBBLES I found this mermaid bath bomb on sale at Provigo (Loblaws equivalent in Quebec) for 50% of its usual price and never one to say no to a bath bomb, much to my husband’s chagrin, I got it!…