The Butterbear Bath Bomb by Lush waved at me in the boutique as I was picking new bath bombs to try. Evidently, this was my first serious walk into the Lush boutique to shop for items for myself and I did not quite know what was what. I had set a budget for myself and wanted to try different items. As I was about to also buy the Butterball Bath Bomb a nice seemingly classic bath bomb with the word “Lush” embossed upon it, I was made aware by an employee that they were in fact one and the same. So, I went with the obviously cuter teddy bear bath bomb.
Let’s dive into a little history about teddy bears. I decided to google their history out of curiosity and noticed that just like my post last week, this one’s also related to a president of the United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, to be exact. The story goes that Roosevelt’s guides clubbed, caught and, tied a black bear to a tree. Then, said bear was offered to the president so he may shoot the defenceless creature. The president refused, saying it was unsportsmanlike. News of this took America by storm and a candy shop owner, Morris Michtom along with his wife Rose created a stuffed bear in his honour. Teddy’s Bear.
Around the same time, there was also a stuffed bear that popped up in Germany, made by seamstress Margarete Steiff.
Teddy took the plunge quite quickly and disappeared almost just as rapidly. I was saddened to see him go so fast as if he’d been dipped in acid… grim imagery, to be sure! Teddy was a floater, much like several other Lush bath bombs I’ve tried.
The scent of this bath bomb hit hard and fast. I thought it smelled distinctly of the Lush stores: cocoa with a hint of a flower of sorts.
At first, when the Butterbear Bath Bomb was fizzing, I thought I saw debris, little pieces, of flowers, possibly? My partner thought the floating bits to be cinnamon. I was, however, not expecting debris from Teddy, I was expecting a warm bath of a possible milky colour. So, upon closer inspection, I realized they were oil bubbles. These oil sacks were quite hard to photograph, but I was very excited to enjoy them!
Scent: Distinct Lush scent (cocoa mixed with some sort of flower);
Opacity: very opaque, bottom of the tub was clearly visible;
Final colour: Clear, with oil bubbles on the surface of the bath;
Verdict: This bath bomb wasn’t a spectacle to enjoy, but simply put a nice and relaxing bath to take. If I had to pick a Lush bath bomb to try again, it would not be this one, despite its seriously hydrating effects.
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